Tuesday, October 9, 2012

...Shit together

All of the companies I work for have their heads so far up their asses that slip on their own tongues. I now have 3 classes at UNH, but my boss forgot to include me on the email last night. Luckily, another teacher had asked me to sub for her and I said I couldn't until I found out what my hours were. And she was like "..didn't you get the group email? I saw your name on it." Luckily I found out from her. 

And I'm supposed to have 6 kids in Stamford and I have 11. It's be 3 weeks and the other kids haven't signed up. So i said, "If they aren't in the class let's get them OUT of the class or pay me more $$$." That's just good business sense. 

It's madness, really. The lunatics run the assylum. I really don't mind being a lunatic or running the assylum, but if that's the case, i'm ransacking the treasury before i go!

Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
-Mark Twain

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