A rare afternoon off as the highschool only has a half day. That is progressing well. BIG difference being with children again. 11 of them. They have the attention span of nats and free base hand held devices. Plus they have just had a FULL DAY of school and now that have to practice English. But they are learning and we are moving along nicely. I help them with their homework as well, which allows me to address their different levels.
And I am really enjoying this upper level at UNH that i've subbed all week. They have a level closer to the sudents i had worked with in Madrid.
Shepherd's Bush, London 31 - 10 - 11 - Steven Wilson
Clockwork Angels - Rush
The Power to Believe - King Crimson
Live '75 at the Rockhopper - Fleetwood Mac
Happy with what you have to be happy with - King Crimson
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