Restless no more! Going to do some computer work for Stamford and then get some food for tonight.
Mas musica: District 97 - Trouble with Machines.
I read about these guys in Prog Rock Magazine. They are damned interesting for a small time prog band. John Wetton and Bill Bruford have said nice things about them and Wetton is on a song on the new album. Their lead singer, Leslie Hunt, was a 2007 American Idol finalist. And then she joined up with these guys, who are very Liquid Tension Experiment /Dream Theater influenced. Yet Hunt brings an Indie influence. She's got quite a voice. One thing i always hated about Dream Theater was their lead singer's impossibly polished voice. Prog vocals should be a bit on or a bit rough. But with a woman singing, it has a bit of a different vibe (me like woman sing pretty.)
Did some online training for UNH. They have a system for grading and advancing. It seems like a good one. It was interesting and valuable, but it was a head full. I have 2 hours left.

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