Monday, August 20, 2012

Time Flies

Headless in Seattle


She said luck is what you make it
you just reach out and take it.Now let's dance a while.
She said nothing ever happensif you don't make it happen.And if you can't laugh, then smile.
But after a whileyou realize time flies.And the best thing that you can dois take whatever comes to you.'Cuz time flies.-Porcupine Tree

Time Flies - single edit

Theatre of the Absurd
How dire have things become when I put Bender Tuesday on my Marketing CV? I mean, it worked. It brought in business through a viral social media marketing campaign, but the name is just absurd. "No. I'm really 44. Seriously."

A conference of the strange 
and your family is deranged 

Fuck it. If they don't like it they can bit my shiny metal ass.

And dancing under summer showers
Is still the way I see you now
'Cuz time flies

Looking for a job is about as much fun as prison sex. I applied for a marketing job at a local University for their grad and law program. Both emails I tired came back rejected. So I called and after 5 minutes they gave me two completely different email addresses. Wow. They really need a marketing manager! On the plus side, maybe I'm the only CV they get. How can you have the wrong recruiting email address on your website?


God is dead and we have killed him. We are all so stupid we bored him/her to death.

Soundtrack to an endless job search:
The Incident - Porcupine Tree
Clockwork Angels - Rush
Live 1978 - Genesis


Okay - applied to about 4 different jobs so far.  Manana, for Bender Tuesday, Mum and I go to the Motherland (Jersey) to see my great-aunt Nunnie (92) and then see the Seester. It's been over two years since i've been back in the Motherland. I honestly don't miss it much. I began plotting my escape when I was about 14 years old and have never looked back. 

Speaking looking back; 


Oh, Romulan, you really are so full of shit. 

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