Warning: People in your mirror may be stupider than they appear.
Saw my good buddy, Kevin, and his family on Friday night. It was awesome. We lived together in college.
But the day was quite odd. I saw a man walking his dog in a Yankeees t-shirt but he had it on inside out. I replaced my driver's license (stolen in November) at the Division of Motor Vehicles and they were as helpful and Patty and Selma Bouvier. And then i took the car to get inspected for omissions. I was walking around the muffler store while i was waiting and saw plastic gas cans. They had stickers on them that said gasoline + fire don't mix.
Really? I had no idea.
I activated my pre-paid phone from 2 years ago. Right now i am at Kevin's and sorting through 8 boxes of clothes and crap, left over from when i fled the country 5 years ago. How does one accumulate so much stuff?
Anyway, i am acclimating myself.
Patsy and Selma were unhelpful. Well what did you expect? You're lucky you made it out in less than a week.