13:17 EDT
Thank your stars you’re not that way
Turn your back and walk away
Don’t even pause and ask them why
Turn around and say goodbye
So..., i arrived home after a nightmarerishly long trip. I saw Mum. I visited my old friends Kevin and Pat and saw their families. I grabbed 6 big boxes of crap from Kevin's actic. I also played street hockey with his son for three hours in the humidity and almost died. I built some stairs for my mother's pool and installed them (the woman's not an idiot - she knows free labor when she sees it.)
SO... i survived the 1st 5 days. Now what? I started updating my linked in status to help find a job.
Traveling Music;
Selling England by the Pound - Genesis
Days of Open Hand - Suzanne Vega
Gensis Archive 1967 - 1975 (disc 3) - Genesis
Clockwork Angels - Rush
Aladin Sane - David Bowie
Looking at Craig's List reminds me of walking down 42nd Street when i was a kid. A couple of adverts are appealing, but you know things are not what they seem. And just for kicks, i went to the personals. There was a woman was looking for orel sex. I went back to looking for tutoring jobs. Just more proof that there is no god. What kind of god would admit to have children like us? We are all the offspring of a Deadbeat Dad. Fuck. Back to searching.