Chillin' and listening to the new Neil Young and Crazy Horse Album; Psychedellic Pill. The first song is 27 minutes long. That's fucky crazy.
Done with work for the week. The perks of being a teaher, i suppose.
I read DIARY OF A WIMPY KID, the first one. It was awesome! I am now reading UP A TREE IN THE PARK AT NIGHT WITH A HEDGEHOG BY P. Robert Smith, which as you might imagine, is insane. Funny and off the wall.
I see no reason why this song is 27 minutes long. Seems a but excessive as it hasn't really changed much and we're in minute 24.
The pumpkin pie is cooked! The first one I had the broiler on instead of baking and the pie crust went up like a roman candle. So, i went to the market and got an emergency pie crust. The smoke alarm went off but it wasn't a problem.
The pumpkin pie is cooked! The first one I had the broiler on instead of baking and the pie crust went up like a roman candle. So, i went to the market and got an emergency pie crust. The smoke alarm went off but it wasn't a problem.
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