It's almost December. Time, she flies. Truly. But all is well.
Listening to;
Octane Twisted - Porcupine Tree
Ghosts - Frequency Drift
Ziggy Stardust - David Bowie
Metallic Taste of Blood - Metallic Taste of Blood
Thanks to all of you who read this friggin' thing. Over 1,000 page views. Sometimes it's good be out of exile.
It's get cold. Seriously. I am not accustomed to New England winters. After all, Madrid's were pretty mild.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Another day

Sorry for the long absence. So much going on, but all is well.
Music for a wintery day;
Oceania - The Smashing Pumpkins
Cloud Atlas Soundtrack
After the Goldrush - Neil Young
It''s snowing, so no class at Trinity.
All is well in CT. Went out to this cool Caribbean place in Ansoia with Mum for dinner. It was great.
So i go to bed and say unto ye, "buenos noches!"
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Pumpkin Pie
Chillin' and listening to the new Neil Young and Crazy Horse Album; Psychedellic Pill. The first song is 27 minutes long. That's fucky crazy.
Done with work for the week. The perks of being a teaher, i suppose.
I read DIARY OF A WIMPY KID, the first one. It was awesome! I am now reading UP A TREE IN THE PARK AT NIGHT WITH A HEDGEHOG BY P. Robert Smith, which as you might imagine, is insane. Funny and off the wall.
I see no reason why this song is 27 minutes long. Seems a but excessive as it hasn't really changed much and we're in minute 24.
The pumpkin pie is cooked! The first one I had the broiler on instead of baking and the pie crust went up like a roman candle. So, i went to the market and got an emergency pie crust. The smoke alarm went off but it wasn't a problem.
The pumpkin pie is cooked! The first one I had the broiler on instead of baking and the pie crust went up like a roman candle. So, i went to the market and got an emergency pie crust. The smoke alarm went off but it wasn't a problem.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Thursday will be my first Thanksgiving with my family since Spanksgiving 6 years ago; Las Vegas, 2006, when Sue told me she was pregnant and that Annie may or may not be mine. Ahhh... memories. It set me off on a 5th month journy of fear and loathing that took me took Madrid, Europe, and everything after. I miss those dies like i miss having a fork, covered in Tabasco sauce, in my eye. Although i did go on an EPIC 7 day Bender when i found out she wasn't mine.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of ye, Americans or otherwise, on both sides of the Atlantic.
Manana i will make my first pumpkin pie ever. Then Thursday down to Mel's in Jersey.
Jersey???? My last Thanksgiving in NJ was 2008!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of ye, Americans or otherwise, on both sides of the Atlantic.
Manana i will make my first pumpkin pie ever. Then Thursday down to Mel's in Jersey.
Jersey???? My last Thanksgiving in NJ was 2008!!!!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Time cruises by - it's almost Thanksgiving. It'll be my first one in the US since 2006. Damn. Six years! We'll go to Jersey by Mel and Jan.
This General Petreus scandal is so complicated that i can't even follow it. All i know is that a few people fucked each other (who shouldn't have) and a few sent each other a few thousand emails (which they shouldn't have.) But i don't understand the how or the why.
The moral of the story? Don't stick you pecker where it doesn't belong. And don't become the director of the CIA if you don't want to be scrutinized.
This General Petreus scandal is so complicated that i can't even follow it. All i know is that a few people fucked each other (who shouldn't have) and a few sent each other a few thousand emails (which they shouldn't have.) But i don't understand the how or the why.
The moral of the story? Don't stick you pecker where it doesn't belong. And don't become the director of the CIA if you don't want to be scrutinized.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
an eventful three months
I've been home for three months. Wow! Crazy.
Outside during Athena
And there's been Hurricane Sandy, the 2nd most destructive after Katrina, A Nor'easter, Athena, and a presidential election. Holy shit! That's an eventful three months. And i'm teaching in the US for the first time since Mum had me teach CCD/Sunday School when I was in highschool and she ran the program. That's insane that i ever taught CCD.
Outside during Athena
And there's been Hurricane Sandy, the 2nd most destructive after Katrina, A Nor'easter, Athena, and a presidential election. Holy shit! That's an eventful three months. And i'm teaching in the US for the first time since Mum had me teach CCD/Sunday School when I was in highschool and she ran the program. That's insane that i ever taught CCD.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Obama and Athena
Just a girl just a girl
Just a girl just a girl
Just a girl just a girl
She's just a girl
Athena, my heart felt like a shattered glass in an acid bath
It felt like one of those flattened ants you find on a crazy path
I'd have topped myself to give her time she didn't need to ask
Was I a suicidal psychopath?
She's just a girl - she's a bomb
She's just a girl - she's a bomb
-The Who
Obama won the election! Woo hoo! Healthcare for me and civil rights for the Seester!
It is crazy snowing now. I didn't get any classes at UNH this month (which sucks) and I doubt I'll have school today in Stamford with the snow. This will be Nor'easter Athena. It's going to hit some of the areas that were hit the hardest by Sandy.
The weather in New England is quite formidable.
Marijuana legalized for recreational use in Washingon State and Colorado! Living in Seattle someday is always an option.
For now, i have to look for a new job.
- - -
Got some good pics of the storm.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Finally, it is election day.
In Spain, it's six weeks, the same as most European countries.
In the US, the Republican primary field began stumping in August of 2011. Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry were dead in the water by the end of the first primary in Iowa. Rick Sanctimonium eventually lost to the Romulan. All four canidates were as appealling to me as spinach ice cream.
And now, mercifully, it will end.
But today is a huge day for America. Obama and Romney have completely different views on how to run the country. Obama wants to preserve the middle class. Romney will privatize everything and cut loads of social programs which will be to the detriment of the middle class. So whatever happens today, it could very well go down as monumental day.
Monday, November 5, 2012
three mile
Walked three miles today. The toe and the gout are much better. It's arthritic but getting better. Walked along the Derby 'Greenway,' which is aside the Naugatuck River. It's in turn fed by Lake Zoar and the Housatonic, where i always kayak.
The Seahawks won! They are 5-4 and play the hapless Jets next week.
2 1/2 weeks to Thanksgiving! Holy crap! I think we'll be in Jersey at Mel and Jan's. It's early this year. Normally it is the last week in November, except if the weekend flips the calendar into December. Then it is the third Thurs. Why? Because Jefferson, Washington and Adams never would have wanted to shorten the official Xmas shopping season by even a few days, that's why! Better to add an extra 4 or 5 days! It's what Jesus would have wanted. USA! USA! USA!
The Seahawks won! They are 5-4 and play the hapless Jets next week.
2 1/2 weeks to Thanksgiving! Holy crap! I think we'll be in Jersey at Mel and Jan's. It's early this year. Normally it is the last week in November, except if the weekend flips the calendar into December. Then it is the third Thurs. Why? Because Jefferson, Washington and Adams never would have wanted to shorten the official Xmas shopping season by even a few days, that's why! Better to add an extra 4 or 5 days! It's what Jesus would have wanted. USA! USA! USA!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Day of the Reaping
When I wake up, the other side of the bed is cold. My fingers stretch out, seeking Prim?s warmth but finding only the rough canvas cover of the mattress. She must have had bad dreams and climbed in with our mother. Of course, she did. This is the day of the reaping. -Katniss Everdeen, The Hunger Games
Today is the last day of our four week cycles. Manana is Last Day (but i prefer the day of the reaping,) meaning you move on to the next level or you repeat it in the next session. Like gravity, life's a bitch.
Music to grade by;
Suzanne Vega - Close Up Vol. 4, Songs of Family
King Crimson - Live in Central Park, 1974
Stick Men - Soup
Steven Wilson - Get All You Deserve
Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffitti (disc 2)
The grading never ends! Like some unseen monster that embodies the darkness, it is ever present. The reading exams were not bad. The writing assignments are going to be a nightmare. Time to switch from coffee to beer.
The103's are in the books.
So are the 107's. Now just to do the report cards. Ugh! The never ending story....
Sausage and peppers eaten. The final phase begins for the 107's. 8 of 15 have to repeat the level. Only 1 in 103.
Dude! It's never ending. Time to break out the emergency bourbon, the greatest thing about Kentucky.
That was a fucking nightmare. My boss is so disorganized. If there had been some organization to how i got the information it would have taken 1/8 of the time. I might start looking for sales jobs manana.
When I wake up, the other side of the bed is cold. My fingers stretch out, seeking Prim?s warmth but finding only the rough canvas cover of the mattress. She must have had bad dreams and climbed in with our mother. Of course, she did. This is the day of the reaping. -Katniss Everdeen, The Hunger Games
Today is the last day of our four week cycles. Manana is Last Day (but i prefer the day of the reaping,) meaning you move on to the next level or you repeat it in the next session. Like gravity, life's a bitch.
Music to grade by;
Suzanne Vega - Close Up Vol. 4, Songs of Family
King Crimson - Live in Central Park, 1974
Stick Men - Soup
Steven Wilson - Get All You Deserve
Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffitti (disc 2)
The grading never ends! Like some unseen monster that embodies the darkness, it is ever present. The reading exams were not bad. The writing assignments are going to be a nightmare. Time to switch from coffee to beer.
The103's are in the books.
So are the 107's. Now just to do the report cards. Ugh! The never ending story....
Sausage and peppers eaten. The final phase begins for the 107's. 8 of 15 have to repeat the level. Only 1 in 103.
Dude! It's never ending. Time to break out the emergency bourbon, the greatest thing about Kentucky.
That was a fucking nightmare. My boss is so disorganized. If there had been some organization to how i got the information it would have taken 1/8 of the time. I might start looking for sales jobs manana.
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