The Mets are in the 10th innning, trying to salvage at least one game from the series with the red hot Dodgers.
I got home at 22:30. Two more days and then the weekend!
I forget what day it is. Thursday? Yes. And what year it is? All of the 21st century seem unreal anyway.
Almost all of my friends' children were born in the 2,000s. Do they really exist?
Is there anybody..., out there?
-Pink Floyd
And then you repatriate and become a stranger in your own land. Bizarre. But been there before. Not so bad, once you get used to it.
I interview for an ESL position in North Dakota on Fri, via telephone. Meanwhile, I work the phones for the Spa company from 15:00 to 22:00, which is mind-numbingly long when you don't get a lot of people to talk to. I have created doodles more expansive than Picasso's Guernica. It's a living, kind of. It's somone else's world, i'm just trying to survive in it.
One world is enough, for all of us
-The Police
Is it me, for a moment, for a moment
-The Who
I've been working at ThermoSpa for two weeks and it's going well. I'm working about 25 hours a week. MaƱana, I will have been home one year. Crazy. I've had five jobs since then; EduBoston, UNH, For You Flowers, Working Families and now, ThermoSpa. But they seem nice, so I am hopeful.
The moral of the story? Repatriation is a bitch.
Thank you to Mum and the Seester. Not sure how I could have done it without ye. And Pat, Jimbo, Kev and all my friends here.
Our band, Wayward Platypus, will be putting out our fifth studio album this month, The End of the Whole Mess. It's 70 minutes of progressive instrumental madness with a few keyboard segway pieces and one song with lyrics from the back catalogue; Heaven and Earth. I'll post a link when it's all mixed down.